G&P Události a novinky

More military recruits for quality management firm

Posted by Maria Holmes-Keeling

Leading quality management service provider, G&P, is boosting its ranks with the recruitment of even more ex-military service personnel.

Already employing several former armed forces staff, G&P has found the skills, training and work ethic that comes with a military background complementary to its own core values and the type of work it carries out for many of its manufacturing clients.

28 Jun 24

Long-serving employees celebrated

Posted by Maria Holmes-Keeling

More than 30 long serving employees have been recognised by quality management provider, G&P, for their commitment, loyalty and dedication in a series of presentation events.

23 May 24

BLOG – An industry of opportunity

Posted by Maria Holmes-Keeling

For many businesses and individuals, the springtime is one of change and new beginnings. Whether it’s the start of a new financial year, or simply the start of the new season, it’s a time that’s filled with much potential and the promise of new life.

09 Apr 24

Senior hire for quality management experts

Posted by Maria Holmes-Keeling

Leading quality management services provider, G&P, has appointed experienced management executive, Marco den Dekker, to the role of Group Business Development Director.

21 Mar 24

G&P sets out ambitious charity challenge

Posted by Maria Holmes-Keeling

Birmingham-based quality management services provider, G&P, has kicked off a year of fundraising on behalf of the mental health charity, Mind, with the ambition of raising more than £5,000 for the organisation during 2024.

23 Feb 24

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G&P Quality Management s.r.o. U Katovny 775, CZ-47001 Česká Lípa
Czech Republic

    +420 487 520 786          +420 487 521 411